Grady L. and Barbara D. Webster Plant Systematics Publication Award
Croton piluliferus Rusby
Established in 2006 by Dr. Barbara D. Webster and Dr. Susan V. Webster to honor the life and work of husband and father, Dr. Grady L. Webster, the award was renamed in 2018 to include Dr. Barbara D. Webster as an equal partner. The Grady L. and Barbara D. Webster Award is a rotating award presented in alternating years by the American Society of Plant Taxonomists and the Botanical Society of America. Dr. Grady Webster was an ASPT President (1982), BSA President (1993), and recipient of both the ASPT Asa Gray Award (2006) and the BSA Merit Award (1997). Dr. Barbara Webster served as the first woman Treasurer of the BSA (1977-81) and BSA President (1983). The American Society of Plant Taxonomists and the Botanical Society of America are pleased to join together in honoring Grady and Barbara in this way. The ASPT component of the award, the Grady L. and Barbara D. Webster Plant Systematics Publication Award is given in even numbered years and recognizes the paper illustrating the most significant contribution in plant systematics from the previous two years. Grady and Barbara are remembered for contributions that have been truly monumental in the recent history of plant systematics and constitute a massive body of work that rivals anything produced through the initiative and influence of a single individual. More importantly, this couple inspired young people with their passion and energy for seeing plants in their natural habitat and their global knowledge of vegetation.
Past ASPT Awardees
2022 | John J Schenk, Larry Hufford. 2020. A phylogenetic monograph of Mentzelia section Bartonia (Loasaceae). Systematic Botany Monographs 110: 230 pp. |
2020 | Diego F Morales-Briones, Katya Romoleroux, Filip Kolář, David C Tank. 2018. Phylogeny and evolution of the Neotropical radiation of Lachemilla (Rosaceae): uncovering a history of reticulate evolution and implications for infrageneric classification. Systematic Botany 43(1): 17-34. |
2018 | Matthew Pace, Kenneth Cameron. 2017. Systematics of the Spiranthes cernua species complex (Orchidaceae): untangling the Gordian Knot. Systematic Botany 42(4): 1-30. |
2016 | Shayla Salzman, Heather E. Driscoll, Tanya Renner, Thiago André, Stacy Shen, Chelsea D. Specht. 2015. Spiraling into History: A Molecular Phylogeny and Investigation of Biogeographic Origins and Floral Evolution for the Genus Costus. Systematic Botany 40(1): 104-115. |
2014 | Kristen Hasenstab-Lehman, Michael Simpson. 2012. Cat's Eyes and Popcorn Flowers: Phylogenetic Systematics of the Genus Cryptantha s.l. (Boraginaceae). Systematic Botany 37(3): 738-757. |
2012 | Elizabeth Zacharias, Bruce Baldwin. 2010 A Molecular Phylogeny of North American Atripliceae (Chenopodiaceae), with Implications for Floral and Photosynthetic Pathway Evolution. Systematic Botany 35(4): 839-857. |
2010 | Thomas L. P. Couvreur. 2009. Monograph of the syncarpous African genera Isolona and Monodora (Annonaceae). Systematic Botany Monographs 87: 1-150. |
2008 | Walter S. Judd. 2007. Revision of Miconia sect. Chaenopleura (Miconieae, Melastomataceae) in the Greater Antilles. Systematic Botany Monographs 81: 1-235. |