Nomination deadline: 31 March 2025

(Application Form)

Initiated in 2013, the Undergraduate Research Prize recognizes undergraduate students who have completed an outstanding, independent research project in plant systematics (broadly interpreted).

Prize Description: Up to three prizes ($300 each) will be awarded for an outstanding, independent research project in plant systematics (broadly interpreted) completed by an undergraduate student within the last two years.

Applicant criteria: Must be a current or former student who completed the research as an undergraduate within the last two years, with the guidance/mentorship of an ASPT member.

Nomination: An ASPT member in good standing must nominate the student by completing Part A of the application form, and by writing a nomination letter in support of the student.

Application materials: The student should submit an application form, including a personal statement outlining the research study, its results, and implications (2 pages max), and supporting documentation (poster, abstract, papers), if applicable. The student should also provide the name and affiliation of a second individual who will provide a letter of reference (the first letter should be from the nominating ASPT member). This second reference should be faculty, staff, or a postdoc familiar with the research, and the nominated student should arrange with both writers to have their letters sent to the Honors Committee Chair. All documentation must be in English and in electronic format (i.e., .pdf, .docx, etc.).

Letters of reference should be emailed separately as pdf files by each of the two referees to the Honors Committee Chair. All other application materials should be sent by the nominator to the Honors Committee Chair. All emails should have the subject line "ASPT Undergrad Prize ." ASPT Honors Committee Chair: