Postdoc in the Missouri Botanical Garden herbarium.
Supervisor, Hyperspectral Scanning
Small grants for study of Wisconsin wild plants and fungi
Botanical Club of Wisconsin requests proposals for the 2025 John Thomson Research Award in support of student research on Wisconsin’s wild plants.
Graduate award = $2,500
Graduate students at any accredited university or college are eligible
How to apply: Send an electronic copy of your research proposal (see specifics below) by April 6th to:
Dr. Christopher D. Tyrrell
Milwaukee Public Museum
Proposal must include:
1. A description of the proposed project, not to exceed five double-spaced pages, including:
Project summary
Scientific merit
Specific objectives
Methodology and timeline
Budget, including line items
Literature cited
2. Applicant’s contact information (address, telephone, email), and advisor’s name.
3. Name(s) and contact information (address, telephone, email) of student’s advisor/major professor.
Requirements and Guidelines
1. The research project must advance the knowledge of taxonomy, ecology, or natural history of Wisconsin’s wild plants or fungi (including vascular plants, bryophytes, algae, fungi or lichens) by focusing on field investigation; select laboratory or experimental work related to natural history (e.g. DNA sequencing, pollination ecology, etc.) may also be eligible for funding.
2. Funds may be used for equipment, supplies, laboratory/analysis fees, or travel and lodging related to field work. Other reasonable expenses will be considered, but funds may not be used for wages or to cover registration fees, travel, or lodging to attend conferences.
3. Any work on State Natural Areas and/or threatened or endangered species requires a permit from the Bureau of Natural Heritage Conservation of the Wisconsin DNR and a copy of this must be included.
4. A written report must be provided to the Botanical Club of Wisconsin upon completion and a summary prepared for the club newsletter.
5. Potentially funded projects include taxonomic/systematic work, ecological studies, floristic inventories, etc. Invasive species removal and habitat restoration projects will not be funded.
6. BCW does not support institutional overhead.
Applications must be received by 11:59pm, Sunday, 6 April 2025
Ecological Monitoring Crew Lead (Las Vegas, NV)
The Rupert Barneby Award of the New York Botanical Garden
The Rupert Barneby Award: a small grant to visit the New York Botanical Garden to study the rich herbarium collection of Fabaceae
Tenure Track - Integrative Biology; Plant Biodiversity, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
The Institute of Biology of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) opens a call for applications for one tenure-track position as research scientist in INTEGRATIVE BIOLOGY WITH EMPHASIS IN BOTANY.
Rangeland Assessment Technician
The Great Basin Institute is recruiting Rangeland Assessment Technicians to work with GBI and NDOW staff to implement novel rapid ecological assessment methods to evaluate restoration treatment success.
Vegetation Monitoring Technician
The Great Basin Institute is recruiting Vegetation Health Assessment (VHA) Technicians to work with NDOW to characterize vegetation using VHA protocols, on various sampling sites across northern Nevada.
Vegetation Monitoring Crew Lead
The Great Basin Institute is recruiting two Vegetation Health Assessment (VHA) Crew Leads to work with the Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW) to implement NDOW’s Vegetation Health Assessment (VHA) program.