Volume 112

Taxonomic revision of Lundia DC. (Bignoniaceae, Bignonieae)

Miriam Kaehler and Lúcia G. Lohmann

Illustration of a species of Lundia

64 pp.

September 2021

ISBN 978-1-943751-12-9

Abstract:  Lundia (Bignoniaceae, Bignonieae) is a genus of 13 species of Neotropical lianas that are distributed from southern Mexico to Bolivia and southern Brazil. The genus is characterized by a suite of characters that include interpetiolar gland fields; anthers, apex of the staminode, ovary, and the basal portion of the style covered by simple trichomes; stigmas ciliate at the margin; linear and flat capsular fruits; and elliptical seeds with striated wings. We describe the taxonomic history of the genus, discuss the patterns of variation of morphological features, present a detailed morphological description for the genus, and provide an identification key to the species. For each species we present synonymy, a detailed morphological description, illustrations, phenological information, habitat and geographical distribution including a range map, notes on taxonomy and/or morphology, and a list of representative specimens. We correct long-standing misapplications of some species names. Lectotypes are chosen for Bignonia stricta, Lundia acuminata, L. densiflora f. epunctata, L. dicheilocalyx, L. gardneri, L. glazioviana, L. longa var. domatiata, L. nitidula, L. phaseolifolia, L. umbrosa var. coccinea, and L. valenzuelae; neotypes are designated for L. duseniana and L. schumanniana; and the typifications of Bignonia chica and L. obliqua were corrected.