Numerous seasonal and permanent positions at Great Basin Institute

Many positions, essentially ecological in nature, are available through the Great Basin Institute. 

The ecological monitoring program at GBI serves as an excellent professional development opportunity for burgeoning natural resource professionals looking for experience in botanical, soil, and rangeland surveys. This program is a component of our well-established Research Associate Program, which focuses on the conservation of natural resources in the Intermountain West. 

As an element of this program, participants will implement the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) national Assessment, Inventory, and Monitoring (AIM) strategy, which is targeted at collecting standardized inventory and long-term ecological data at multiple scales across western public lands. 

In some locations, participants will also implement the BLM Habitat Assessment Framework (HAF), which is aimed at collecting habitat assessment data on public land with the purpose of informing conservation efforts for sage-grouse habitat. Opportunities in other locations (Boise, ID, Wenatchee, WA) apply AIM sampling to post-wildfire Emergency Stabilization and Rehabilitation (ESR) monitoring. 

In accordance with these strategies and through partnerships with multiple agencies, GBI’s ecological monitoring program is dedicated to providing college graduates and emerging professionals with hands-on survey, inventory, monitoring, and reporting experience in natural resource management.

To find a full list of these openings, please see the "View Current Openings" link at  A brief overview of the program is inserted below.
