Orchid Research funding opportunity

From Ken Cameron (kmcameron@wisc.edu):

I would like to draw to your attention to the renewed funding source for orchid research by the American Orchid Society. The submission guidelines have been posted on the web:

A total of US$20,000 is available, and there is an additional special award for systematics of overlooked taxa for up to US$5,000. Please forward this e-mail to your colleagues. The AOS Research Committee is looking forward to receiving your application by March 1, 2018.

If you have any questions, please let me know or check with the Chair of the Research Committee, Dr. Daniel Geiger (geiger@vetigastropoda.com | dgeiger@sbnature2.org).

Permalink: https://www.aspt.net/news-blog/2017/8/24/orchid-research-funding-opportunity