Research Experience for Undergraduates Program-Chicago Botanic Garden

Applications now open for the Chicago Botanic Garden summer 2018 Research Experience for Undergraduates Program: From Genes to Ecosystems! Learn more about our program, application process, and contact information at our website This 10 week internship program, offered from June - August 2018, provides undergraduate participants an opportunity to explore a diverse array of scientific fields related to plant biology and conservation spanning genetic to ecosystem levels of inquiry. Interns work with a mentor to conduct an independent research project, participate in training and professional development programs, and present their results at a public symposium.

Participants need to be U.S. citizens who are enrolled as an undergraduate in fall 2018. They will receive a stipend of $5,500, in addition to assistance travelling to and from Chicago. Room and board is provided at the University Center in downtown Chicago. The application deadline is midnight Thursday February 1, 2018. We encourage applications from students at non-PhD granting universities and people that are under-represented in biological fields.
