Your Images Needed for Botany 2019 Poster!

As the ASPT Promotional Materials Committee prepares to design a poster for Botany 2019 in Tucson, Arizona, we request your images for inclusion as part of this year's poster.

Specifically, we request images that are representative of plant species and communities that occur near Tucson, or throughout the state of Arizona. High quality, high-resolution images are preferred so they can be easily resized for the poster. If you would like to share one or more of your images, please include the following information:

  1. Taxon, both species and family, or community illustrated

  2. Location where it was observed and recorded

  3. Your name

  4. Your institution

Please email the images and information to Carrie Kiel at For large files, sharing via Dropbox or Google Drive can be arranged.

Deadline for image submission: 15 June 2019.

Thanks very much in advance for your participation!

The ASPT [Promotional Materials] Committee
