2020 ASPT Nominations now open!

The American Society of Plant Taxonomists promotes the discipline of plant systematics through a variety of activities and initiatives. Our society relies on member participation for its success!

The ASPT Nominations Committee seeks enthusiastic people for leadership positions. All members of ASPT are invited to send nominations for the positions of President-Elect, Council Members, and Diversity Coordinator to the Chair of the Nominations Committee, Mark Fishbein (mark [dot] fishbein [at] okstate [dot] edu). After nominations, an email ballot will be sent to all members for the election of a new President-Elect (1-year term, but continuing as President and Past-President for a total term of 3 years), two Council Members-at-Large (3-year terms) and a Diversity Coordinator (3-year term).

Kindly email your nominations by email or, if you prefer to remain anonymous, you can submit nominations anonymously via this form. Nominations must be received by 20 February 2020 but feel free to get it off your desk - and your mind - sooner!!

Many thanks - we need your suggestions!

Permalink: https://www.aspt.net/news-blog/2020/2020-aspt-nominations-now-open