Hesler Visiting Scholar Fellowship (TENN)

The University of Tennessee - Knoxville, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEB) and the UT Herbarium (TENN) are accepting applications for the Hesler Visiting Scholar Fellowship, a funding opportunity for visiting scholars doing herbarium-based research! The deadline to apply is 3 February 2023.

This fellowship is open to graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, faculty, and independent researchers from any country --- all are eligible! These fellowships provide opportunities for scientists to use collections at the University of Tennessee Herbarium to enhance and facilitate a specimen-based research project. Funds are available to be used for travel, housing, and other visit-related expenses while conducting research at the UT Herbarium.

Permalink: https://www.aspt.net/news-blog/2022/hesler-visiting-scholar-fellowship-tenn