Plant Genomes Online [virtual conference]

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Plant Genomes Online is a free, 24-hour, virtual conference that aims to bring together plant genome researchers across the globe. The conference will be held via Zoom webinar on April 27th-28th (starting 8 am Pacific time) and will be organized across six 4-hour sessions. Each session will have a keynote speaker, dedicated time for online networking, and invited talks from the submitted abstracts. The event will be streamed online, so there will be live content in every time zone, but also recorded and posted online for viewers in other time zones.

Abstract submission is currently open through March 15, and we encourage submissions for both normal 15- minute talks as well as shorter “poster” lightning talks that we will make available online before the conference.

You can follow us @PlantGenoOnline, visit our website at, or email for more information. We’d appreciate it if you share this with anyone you think would be interested! Thanks in advance!
