Assistant Curator - NY

The New York Botanical Garden (NYBG) is excited to announce four full-time career-track research positions in Science. We are searching for creative, collaborative thinkers to join us in a multidisciplinary approach to developing effective nature/biodiversity-based solutions to 21st century problems. NYBG scientists leverage the existing strengths of the institution and its staff while building unique and collaborative opportunities. We seek to enhance NYBG’s Science Division by inviting individuals with creative, innovative, synergistic research programs who are interested in joining an accomplished group of researchers to apply for these positions.

NYBG is seeking Biologists and Data Scientists with interdisciplinary experience in biodiversity informatics, data science, systematics, evolutionary biology, genomics, ecology, food security, remote sensing, machine learning, ethnobotany, and/or conservation.

The new hires will join a growing interdisciplinary research and scholarship team at NYBG to build fundamental and applied knowledge that contributes to developing solutions-oriented approaches to biodiversity and urban conservation, climate change mitigation, climate and community resilience, and/or food security. This Cluster Hiring Initiative will help NYBG meet its strategic goals to drive faculty diversity and grow the impact of NYBG research locally, nationally, and internationally. Curators will be expected to leverage the NYBG collections (living, herbarium, library, and/or laboratory) in creative ways to address pressing issues facing the world, while having the opportunity to develop long-term programs ranging from local to international as a primary focus of their responsibilities.

Additionally, this position support, through actions and conduct, NYBG’s Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility initiatives and actively helps to build and maintain an inclusive organizational culture throughout the institution.
