Botanical Advocacy and Service Grant Application extended

The Botanical Society of America (BSA) and the American Society of Plant Taxonomists (ASPT) are pleased to invite applications for the annual Botanical Advocacy and Service Grant. This grant supports efforts to shape public policy, make broader impacts, and connect the public, and/or policy makers to the botanical sciences in a meaningful way.

The grant recipient will receive $1000 to be used in the proposed project and will be recognized at the annual Botany meeting during the awards ceremony.

Grant recipients will be required to submit a brief summary of their activities with an image to the Plant Science Bulletin (PSB) by August 15th of the following year. This synopsis will appear in the Fall issue of the PSB and is intended to highlight the impact of the recipient’s efforts in shaping public policy and awareness of plant-related issues.

Application Deadline EXTENDED to May 1, 2024
All active members of BSA and ASPT are eligible to apply.
