NSF solicitation for new RCN program

RCN-UBE (NSF 18-510) is designed to enhance undergraduate biology education using networks of faculty and professionals to communicate and coordinate their research, training, and educational activities. The theme of RCN-UBE proposals can be on any topic likely to enhance undergraduate biology education. RCN-UBE provides opportunities to foster new collaborations, to address interdisciplinary topics, to explore innovative ideas for implementing novel networking strategies, to explore collaborative technologies, and to develop community standards. RCN-UBE awards do not support existing networks or the activities of established collaborations. RCN awards do not support primary research. Please see the attached flyer or the program solicitation (https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2018/nsf18510/nsf18510.htm) for additional information. An informational webinar will be held 30 November 2017, Noon (EST), email rcn-ube@nsf.gov to sign up or for additional information.

The RCN-UBE proposal deadline is 30 January 2018.

Permalink: https://www.aspt.net/news-blog/rcn-ube