Application Open for full-time Research Botanist at The Marie Selby Botanical Garden

Applications will be accepted until January 15, 2017.

Position starting date flexible but as early as February 1, 2017.

The Marie Selby Botanical Gardens invites applications for a full-time position of Research Botanist. The primary function of the job will be to conduct an integrated research program on a vascular plant family rich in epiphytic species in the New World tropics. The researcher will utilize modern and traditional methods such as comparative morphology, molecular systematics, floristics, and informatics, with the ultimate goal of understanding, and conserving plants and their natural habitats. Geographical areas of particular interest are the Caribbean, Central America, and the Andes. 

A Ph.D. in plant systematics or closely related field is required for this position, and postdoctoral experience is preferred. A history of raising funds from foundations, government agencies, or other grantors is desirable. The successful candidate will maintain an active research program as measured by scientific peer-reviewed journal publications, grant-funded proposals in support of research, development and curation of the Gardens living and preserved collections, contributions to the Gardens outreach activities, and dissemination of research at professional meetings. They must also serve in an editorial capacity for the Gardens scientific publication, Selbyana, assist in the organization of symposia and other meetings, and participate in intern- and university-level student education. Good public speaking ability is desirable. The successful candidate will interact with Selby Gardens administration, staff, donors, volunteers, and members to assist in raising funds and promoting the work of botanical science.

To Apply

To apply, please collate the following into a single PDF file:

  • 1-page cover letter
  • curriculum vita
  • names and addresses of three reference
  • and send to careers@selby.org.

Marie Selby Botanical Gardens is a drug free workplace and an equal opportunity employer. 

Permalink: https://www.aspt.net/news-blog/2016/12/15/research-botanist-marie-selby-bot-garden

Flora of Pennsylvania Intern

The Flora of Pennsylvania Internship is a joint program between the Morris Arboretum of the University of Pennsylvania and The Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University. The Flora of Pennsylvania Intern receives training and work experience in many aspects of managing collections in a major herbarium, and an opportunity to contribute to a modern state flora through a research project on some aspect of the flora of Pennsylvania. This internship requires a dedication to building a professional career in botany. This position is supported by the Eli Kirk Price Endowment.

Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Help manage (file, repair, image, annotate, etc.) botanical specimens in the nationally important herbarium collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University
  • Participate in the ongoing botanical research activities in the Morris Arboretum Botany Department
  • Complete an independent study project under the direction of your supervisor
  • Work at two weekend Arboretum events - Fall Festival and Plant Sale
  • Enroll in and complete two academic courses at Penn: LARP755 (Fall) and LARP756 (Spring)
  • Participate in intern sessions as scheduled (typically weekly outside of academic year)
  • Learn to follow proper safety practices
  • Perform additional duties as requested


How to Apply:

Application deadline is February 15, 2017

See full application instructions on our website: 

Permalink: https://www.aspt.net/news-blog/2016/12/15/flora-of-pennsylvania-intern

The California Academy of Science to fill three positions with Ph.D. scientists who do outstanding biodiversity/ecological science

The California Academy of Sciences seeks to fill three positions with Ph.D. scientists who do outstanding biodiversity/ecological science, focus on broader science communication & engagement, care about increasing diversity in science, are excited to connect their work to real-world sustainability outcomes, and want to change the world. This year, we are seeking candidates who work in biological or physical anthropology, herpetology, and the botany of western North America.

Western North America Botany: We seek candidates who specialize in western North American plants (especially Californian), examining a wide range of topics, including their evolution, diversity, ecology, or sustainability under global change. Candidates who could potentially work with our extensive research collections and our emerging California Ecosystems strategic initiative will be especially welcome. The successful candidate will fill the John T. Howell Chair of Western North American Botany.

Permalink: https://www.aspt.net/news-blog/2016/12/14/3-positions