The Department of Biological Sciences at Mississippi State University invites applicants for a 9-month, tenure-track position in Plant Biology as Assistant Professor and Curator of the Mississippi State University Herbarium.
Assistant Professor of Biology - Manchester University
The Biology Department at Manchester University (IN, USA) seeks a full-time tenure track faculty appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor in Plant Systematics/Phylogenetics with additional responsibilities related to the academic program.
Director of Science and Conservation - National Tropical Botanical Garden
The National Tropical Botanical Garden has an opening for a full-time Director of Science and Conservation, to start July 1, 2019. This position is based at the NTBG headquarters in the South Shore Gardens, Kalaheo, Kauai, Hawaii.
Ecological Restoration Specialist - Great Basin Institute
The Great Basin Institute is recruiting an Ecological Restoration Specialist to provide assistance with habitat restoration and monitoring at Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in southern Nevada.
Ph.D. Graduate Assistantship-Boise State Un.
Ph.D. Graduate Assistantship in genomics applied to determine sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) adaptations to arid environments, Boise State University, Idaho, USA
USDA APHIS National Taxonomist – Botany Position
The APHIS National Taxonomist – Botany position is currently posted on USAJOBS.
Merit Promotion – 6PQ-APHIS-MA-2018-0683,
Case Exam - 24PQ-APHIS-MA-2018-0682,
The announcements will be in USAJOBS from October 1, 2018 until October 15, 2018. However, during this period, USAJOBS will be down beginning at 12:01 AM ET on Friday, October 5, 2018 but will be back up and running no later than 11:59 PM ET on Monday, October 8, 2018 (the Columbus Day holiday).
Assistant Professor of Plant Structure and Evolution - Ohio Univ
The Department of Environmental and Plant Biology at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio seeks an individual for a full-time, tenure-track assistant professor position beginning August 16, 2019.
E. Desmond Lee Endowed Professorship-Un. of Missouri, St. Louis
The University of Missouri-St. Louis (UMSL,, invites nominations and applications for the E. Desmond Lee Endowed Professorship in Botanical Studies.
Chatham Fellowship in Medicinal Botany
The Garden Club of America’s Anne S. Chatham Fellowship in Medicinal Botany provides at least one grant award of $4,500 annually to support research related to medicinal plants.
Training Course in Tropical Field Botany
The Missouri Botanical Garden (MBG), the New York Botanical Garden (NYBG), and the Universidad Estatal Amazónica (UEA) are pleased to announce a 3-week training program in Tropical Field Botany in Ecuador for highly motivated early graduate students from American universities who are interested in pursuing a career in Plant Systematics.