Summer Program in Plant Diversity

The New York Botanical Garden (NYBG) and the Missouri Botanical Garden (MBG) are pleased to announce a 6-week summer training program in Plant Diversity for six highly motivated and interested undergraduate students. Scientists from NYBG and MBG will offer a broad introduction to the study of plant diversity through lectures, discussion groups, and hands-on laboratory and field work. Drawing from the instructors’ personal research experience, students will learn about the tools and methods used to understand and conduct research on plant diversity and evolution, with emphasis on the tropics. Participants will also learn about plant conservation.

The first 3-week session will be held at the New York Botanical Garden in the Bronx, New York (June 12-30), followed by a one-week break during the 4th of July holiday (not covered by the program). The second session will be conducted at the Missouri Botanical Garden in St. Louis, Missouri (July 10-28).

Eligibility. Application is open to rising juniors and seniors enrolled in an undergraduate degree program and interested in a career in Plant Science. Special consideration will be given to applicants who can demonstrate a potential for success but have had limited access or exposure to research or research facilities at their own institution.

Requirements. Participants will be expected to: 
•    Have completed at least a 1-year course in basic biology (additional electives preferred)
•    Be present for both 3-week sessions
•    Participate in discussions as well as laboratory, library and field work
•    Give a 15 minute presentation at the end of the program.

Support. The program will provide financial support to cover housing, course supplies, and travel costs between New York and St. Louis. A weekly stipend will also be provided to cover food and other expenses ($600 per week). The program is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), with support from NYBG and MBG.

Application Deadline: April 15, 2017. Application forms are available from
Further information can be obtained from the program coordinator: Dr. Marcela Mora (
