Donate to ASPT Student Travel Grants

REMINDER: Please help ASPT to fund the last travel grant applicants this year. The time period for donations has been extended through Monday June 25.  Please see the message below for details...

Many thanks to those who participated in our May fundraising blitz! As a result, we were able to
offer TWO ADDITIONAL travel grants to students on the lottery alternate list. Both students
were grateful and accepted immediately!

If you didn’t have an opportunity to donate during the first blitz, now is your chance!  We are opening up the travel grant fundraising for one additional week starting today!  Wouldn’t
it be amazing if we could raise the entire $1340.00 needed to offer travel grants to the last four
students on our alternate list?  Any funds raised over the $1340.00 amount (hey, I love
being an optimist!) will be used to help support students traveling to the Botany 2019

ASPT has been working hard this year to increase our student membership numbers.
By supporting as many of our students as possible with Travel Grants, we hope to
provide our students with the opportunity to establish a relationship with ASPT that
could lead to mentoring opportunities, lifelong memberships, and participation in
activities and society leadership.

Best regards,
Linda Brown

Payment instructions--
1) GO TO and select the “Donations and Other Payments to ASPT” link on
the left. Login is not required, but please login if you would like your billing address auto-filled
and would like to be sure that the payment is recorded with the other payments to ASPT in your
online record.

2) Scroll down the page and find the "Miscellaneous Donation" field (just above the blue line for Sponsored Memberships). Enter a payment amount in the box. For $10.00, enter “10”.

3) Scroll down to the Payment Note text box (just below Major Gifts) and
enter “TG" to designate your payment for the Travel Grant donation.

4) Complete the payment information fields. Since this is your billing information, please use
the address associated with your credit card statement.

5) Click on the "Continue" button to submit your information to a payment review page.

6) After reviewing your information, submit your payment or go back and make corrections.  After the payment is accepted, you will receive a confirmation for the payment on your browser
page and an automatic receipt by email. Please be sure to logout before closing the tab.
