Digitization Manager

Job Summary: The Digitization Manager will work under the direct supervision of the Director of Collections and work closely with HUH’s IT team and curatorial staff.

Position Description: The Digitization Manager will be responsible for supervision and training of digitization staff and manage all regular project operations of the digitization such as organizing and coordinating of the project workflows, ensuring that digitization protocols are in place and met, and aggregating and making accessible online specimen metadata. The Digitization Manager will provide data quality control, analytics of data, and coordinate and deliver progress reports. The Digitization Manager will work closely with partner institutions from collaborating herbaria, serve as a liaison to iDigBio in digitization activities, and participate in regular meetings and workshops. This position will also involve databasing that includes full data capture, minimal data capture or skeletal data capture, relevant to the task at hand. This role will image specimens using a variety of equipment and software. The Digitization Manager will also add georeference data of specimens and update specimen records in database. General curatorial tasks will include sorting and filing specimens as well as minor repairs to ensure that the Herbaria collections are curated and cared for properly.

Basic Qualifications: Master’s degree in Biology, Museum Studies, Anthropology, or related field; 5+ years of related experience. Education may count towards experience.

Additional Qualifications and Skills: Advanced degree preferred. Knowledge of biodiversity informatics, digital resource management, specimen digitization, databasing, and georeferencing in natural history museums, Extensive knowledge and experience in biodiversity data science, standards (e.g., Darwin Core), digitization best practices, specimen imaging, image processing and submission, access and use of SQL databases, comprehensive management and quality control for images, occurrence data, workflows, interfaces, and publishing occurrence data. Strong and outgoing interpersonal communication skills with the ability to lead a team. Excellent verbal and written communication, incl. writing technical reports. Proficiency with computer software (e.g., Word, Excel, Photoshop). Good judgment, analytical thought, attention to detail, creative, high level of organization, and innovation in solving problems that occur day to day.

In order to be considered for this position, a cover letter and resume must be submitted through the Harvard Careers site: https://sjobs.brassring.com/TGnewUI/Search/Home/Home?partnerid=25240&siteid=5341#jobDetails=1976238_5341

***All formal written offers will be made by FAS HR.

We are unable to provide visa sponsorship for this position.

Permalink: https://www.aspt.net/news-blog/2023/digitization-manager