Postdoctoral Associate, Plant Phylogenomics

An exciting opportunity for a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship is available in the research group of Dr. Charlotte Lindqvist in the Department of Biological Sciences, University at Buffalo. We are seeking applications for a Postdoctoral Associate to join a collaborative NSF-funded plant phylogenomic project. The project will utilize next-generation sequencing approaches involving targeted enrichment, whole genome sequencing, and broad taxonomic sampling, including both herbarium/living collections and field collections, to build a robust phylogenetic platform of lamioid mints (Lamioideae, Lamiaceae) and explore patterns of diversification and links to shifts in distribution, ecology, and genome dynamics. The Postdoctoral Associate will be based at the University at Buffalo but will collaborate closely with grant partners at the Missouri Western State University and an important aspect will be mentoring of undergraduate research at both institutions.

Responsibilities include:

DNA extraction, short and long read genome sequencing, HybSeq development and data analysis and interpretation, genome assembly and bioinformatic analyses, training of undergraduate students and outreach activities. The position also offers opportunities to be involved with numerous cutting edge plant evolutionary genomic projects and collaborations.

Minimum qualifications:

- PhD in evolutionary biology, or related field

- Excellent English writing and verbal communication skills

Preferred qualifications:

- Background in plant systematics and/or phylogenetics

- Record of productivity (peer-reviewed publications) in areas relevant to the research

- Proficiency in genome-scale data analysis, computer programming, and/or bioinformatics

- Interest in working with and mentoring of undergraduate students

Find more information and to apply, see here:

Review of applications has begun, applications will be accepted until the position is filled.

Outstanding Benefits Package

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About The University at Buffalo

The University at Buffalo (UB) #ubuffalo is one of America’s leading public research universities and a flagship of the State University of New York system, recognized for our excellence and our impact. UB is a premier, research-intensive public university dedicated to academic excellence. Our research, creative activity and people positively impact the world. Like the city we call home, UB is distinguished by a culture of resilient optimism, resourceful thinking and pragmatic dreaming that enables us to reach others every day. Visit our website to learn more about the University at Buffalo.

As an Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action employer, the Research Foundation will not discriminate in its employment practices due to an applicant’s race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin and veteran or disability status.
