Notification of Impending Changes in Systematic Botany’s Publication Policies

Following recent discussions with the ASPT Council, two significant aspects of the publication of Systematic Botany will be changed beginning in 2024 (volume 49).

First, subscriptions to printed versions of the journal will no longer be available for an extra charge per volume. Instead, members will have the option to purchase hard copies of individual issues from the ASPT business office on a “print-on-demand” basis. The cost, including shipping, will vary depending on the size of the issue, but we estimate that it will be about $20 per issue. We also note that our printer has informed us that, beginning in 2024, all hard copies will be generated using ink jet rather than laser printers, which may result in slightly reduced quality of some figures.

Second, supplemental tables and figures will no longer be submitted to Dryad (as been the case for volumes 41-48) or published on the ASPT website (as was the case for volumes 33-40) but will instead be included at the end of each paper when it is published on-line. Authors should continue to submit datasets such as multiple sequence alignments and morphological character matrices to Dryad, however. If possible, authors should use their institutional subscriptions for Dryad submissions; otherwise, please cite the Systematic Botany manuscript number and ASPT will cover the cost of the submission. Be sure to include all data from each publication in one submission, as the Dryad charges are based on the number of submissions.
