The Great Basin Institute is recruiting two Vegetation Health Assessment (VHA) Crew Leads to work with the Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW) to implement NDOW’s Vegetation Health Assessment (VHA) program.
Ecological Monitoring Crew Lead (Las Vegas, NV)
Director of Biocollections - ASU
The School of Life Sciences (SOLS) at Arizona State University (ASU) invites applications for the Director of the ASU Biocollections with a concurrent appointment as a tenured associate or full professor. The anticipated start date for this position is July 1, 2025. The successful candidate will provide inspirational vision, quality leadership, and sound management for one of the fastest-growing biological collections in the US. The unique partnership between ASU’s Natural History Collections and the NSF-funded National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) Biorepository offers unprecedented opportunities for innovative research, education, and outreach.
The Director of Biocollections will lead according to the principles outlined in the ASU Charter. The successful candidate will promote a dynamic long-term vision for growth, collegiality, transparency, and clear communication within the Natural History Collections, NEON, and across ASU, while building consensus around shared objectives and new opportunities. We are seeking exceptional candidates who meet the expectations for appointment at the rank of Associate or Full Professor at ASU.
To read more or apply:
Post-doctoral Living Collections Curator
Exciting post-doctoral Curatorial Position at the beautiful Botanical Garden of UCLA. Join our team to lead efforts on developing a strategic plan to use and enhance the extensive and historically significant collections of our garden located in the heart of Los Angeles, CA.
2025 Everett Plant Conservation Internship (13 week)
Applied plant conservation internship supporting rare plant surveys & seed collections in New England, USA.
2025 Atkinson & Lovejoy Plant Conservation Internships (25 week)
Applied plant conservation internship supporting rare plant surveys & seed collections in New England, USA.
Rare Plant RaMP Research Mentee
The Rare Plant RaMP (Research & Mentoring for Post-Baccalaureates in Biological Sciences) program is a one-year research experience intended for individuals who have completed a baccalaureate degree and are interested in gaining research and professional development experience in botany, plant science, or conservation.
Botany 2025 – Important Change
The Botany 2025 Program Committee is has some unexpected news and subsequent changes to our upcoming Botany conference.
For several years, we have been planning for the Botany 2025 conference to take place at the JW Marriott Starr Pass in Tucson, Arizona. However, we were recently informed that the meeting space and hotel rooms will undergo significant renovations during the summer of 2025. These renovations would seriously hinder our ability to host a successful conference in that space, making it necessary to explore alternative arrangements.Changes are in order!
Finding a new site for Botany 2025 at this late date is quite challenging as we essentially need to find a location that can fit our needs for exhibit space, our large poster session, multiple breakout rooms for concurrent sessions, and all the hotel sleeping rooms required by our attendees. Many places that we explored did not have an opening for the summer of 2025 or did not have the appropriate space available to host our conference.
With the help of our outgoing Conference Manager Johanne Stogran, our incoming Conference Manager Lori Strong, the staff at Starr Pass, and our Conference Program Planning Committee, we have narrowed down our options for a new 2025 Conference location. We are now pursuing negotiations with a location in the Southwest United States and hope to have final news to share before the end of the year.
We’re very excited and think you will be, too!
In Summary:
Botany 2025 will have a new location but the same dates, July 26-30, 2025!
Botany 2026 – Tucson, Arizona in July 2026!
Botany 2027 – dates and location TBD (Many cities will be under consideration)
We had so many fantastic Symposia and Colloquia proposals submitted for 2025 that we have enough great science to cover two years’ worth of meetings! Each proposal submitter will be contacted individually to see if they want to have their proposal considered for the 2025 or the 2026 meeting. We understand that some proposals aligned closely with the area around Tucson and may wish to remain connected to that location for 2026. Also, we will again open a Call for Workshops once the final 2025 location has been secured.
We worked hard to source proposals for meeting sites with affordable hotel rates, reasonably priced food and beverage options and exciting field trip opportunities. We are excited about the potential 2025 meeting location under negotiation and look forward to making a final announcement to the botanical community soon. Stay tuned!
Thank you for your patience as we make these adjustments. If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Melanie Link-Perez (Botany Conference Program Manager) and Heather Cacanindin (BSA Executive Director).
We look forward to seeing you next summer so keep your calendar marked for July 26-30, 2025!
Botany Curator, University of Nebraska State Museum/ Head of Bessey Herbarium
The University of Nebraska State Museum is looking to fill a Botany Curator position to lead their Charles Bessey Herbarium.
Assist. Prof. & Herbarium Curator - Museum of Southwestern Biology
The University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, NM is hiring for an assistant professor of biology and curator of the herbarium at the Museum of Southwestern Biology. Best consideration date is 12/13/2024 but the position will remain open until filled. Please share widely! Application and details can be found here: