student travel grants

Your Help Needed! Student Travel Campaign

ASPT has a big, but happy, financial problem.  We received the largest number of applications ever from students seeking travel grants to attend Botany 2019 and we want to raise additional funds to cover those who will not be able to otherwise receive funds without your help. Society support can mean the world to a student and foster long-term membership; consider making an additional donation to ASPT before 30 April 2019 to help out.


Botany 2019 Student Travel Grant Lottery

The ASPT Membership Committee is happy to announce that the popular student travel grant lottery from previous years will be continued this year. The ASPT Council approved awarding 60 travel grants for $300 each to attend Botany 2019 in Tucson, Arizona. Please see the attached application form and instructions.


ASPT Auction Returns in 2019; Society Seeking Donations

The ASPT auction will return at the annual meeting in Tucson! A silent auction will run during the ASPT mixer/banquet, with the live auction held following the banquet. The auction directly supports students through reduced prices for the banquet and to fund student participation in field trips.

The key to the auction’s success is your generosity and donated items so ASPT is calling on you to help.


ASPT invites applications for the society's annual awards

The call for nominations is now out for several of ASPT's annual awards. The Peter Raven Award, Asa Gray Award, Engagement and Excellence in Plant Systematics Education Award (EEPSEA), and Undergraduate Research Prize all have nomination deadlines of February 28, 2019. Please visit the ASPT Awards webpage, for more information.


Student Travel Grants 2018

Student Travel Grants 2018

The ASPT Membership Committee is happy to announce that the popular student travel grant lottery from previous years will continue this year.  The ASPT Council approved awarding 45 travel grants, each for $300, to attend Botany 2018 in Rochester, MN from July 21 - 25, 2018.  Please see the application form and instructions. or READ ON...


ASPT Student Travel Grants for Botany 2017

Dear Fellow ASPT members:

The ASPT Membership Committee is happy to announce that the popular student travel grant lottery from previous years will be continued this year.  The ASPT Council approved awarding 45 travel grants for $300 each to attend Botany 2017 in Fort Worth, Texas, June 24–28, 2017.  Please see the linked form for the application and instructions.
