Assistant Curator, Florida Museum of Natural History

The Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida, invites applications for an Assistant Curator (equivalent to Assistant Professor), a tenure-track position, who will serve as curator-in-charge of the Herbarium, including supervision of its staff. The successful candidate is expected to conduct a dynamic research program focused broadly on the evolutionary biology of plants.

Qualified candidates must have a Ph.D. in Biology, Botany, or a closely related field, and demonstrate a record of research and publication focused on the evolution of any group(s) of plants. Candidates should also be willing to collaborate actively, although not exclusively, with the University of Florida’s diverse botanical research programs in the Florida Museum of Natural History, Department of Biology (College of Liberal Arts and Sciences), and Institute for Food and Agricultural Sciences. Candidates must be capable of leading, promoting, and utilizing an internationally recognized Herbarium (FLAS) that includes more than 465,000 specimens of vascular plants, bryophytes, algae, and moss.

The appointee is expected to teach and mentor both undergraduate and graduate students at the University of Florida. Pursuit of external funding is expected. The anticipated start date is no later than August 16, 2018.

See the link for details: http://explore.jobs.ufl.edu/cw/en-us/job/503444/assistant-curator

Permalink: https://www.aspt.net/news-blog/2017/9/14/assistant-curator-florida-museum-of-natural-history

Orchid Research funding opportunity

From Ken Cameron (kmcameron@wisc.edu):

I would like to draw to your attention to the renewed funding source for orchid research by the American Orchid Society. The submission guidelines have been posted on the web:

Permalink: https://www.aspt.net/news-blog/2017/8/24/orchid-research-funding-opportunity

Rupert Barneby Award

The Rupert Barneby Award, named in honor of the late NYBG scientist and renowned legume expert, consists of US$2000 granted annually to assist researchers to visit The New York Botanical Garden to study the rich herbarium collection of Leguminosae.

Permalink: https://www.aspt.net/news-blog/2017/8/10/rupert-barneby-award

Assistant Professor and Herbarium Director, Butler University

The Department of Biological Sciences at Butler University invites applications for a tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant Professor beginning in August 2018. The successful candidate will also serve as the Director of the Friesner Herbarium. 

Permalink: https://www.aspt.net/news-blog/2017/8/10/fo7e94bov61hbcevjemv73lrzftc63

Graduate Studies in Grassland Community Phylogenetics, SDSU

Two MS (or one PhD) research assistant positions are available (Jan. 2018) in the Latvis Lab of the Department of Natural Resource Management (South Dakota State University) for students interested in botany, biodiversity, phylogenetics, or plant conservation in the Great Plains. 

Permalink: https://www.aspt.net/news-blog/2017/08/07/south-dakota-state-graduate-student-opportunity

Tucker Lichenologist and Associate Curator, Clifton Smith Herbarium, Santa Barbara Botanic Garden

The Tucker Lichenologist and Associate Curator of the Clifton Smith Herbarium is an endowed research scientist and curatorial position primarily responsible for performing lichenological research and curation in support of the Garden's mission, with additional curatorial duties in the non-lichen portion of the Clifton Smith Herbarium. With ca. 35,600 specimens, the lichen collection at the Garden is the second largest in California and the fourth largest west of the Mississippi River. The Tucker Lichenologist will curate this important collection, 

Permalink: https://www.aspt.net/news-blog/2017/6/19/httpswwwsbbgorgget-involvedemploymentcurrent-openings