Research Scientist, New World Succulents - Desert Botanical Garden

Desert Botanical Garden is seeking a Research Scientist with an area of specialization in any aspect of the biology and conservation of New World succulent plants, with special emphasis on cactus and agaves. Deadline: 15 April 2019


Obituary: Dr. Karl Peter Buttler

Dr. Karl Peter Buttler (1942-2018) was a botanist, ecologist, systematist and expert in orchids. He was a member of ASPT from 1976 until his death. Colleagues at the Wetterau Society described Karl a very sympathetic, calm and active person.

Dr. Buttler studied biology at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main , from 1961 to 1963 and then at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich. In 1967 he received his doctorate in Munich in the working group of Hermann Merxmüller with a dissertation on "Cytotaxonomic studies on Central and southern European Draba species". He was then employed as a scientific assistant at the Institute for Systematic Botany at the University of Munich. In later years he worked as a freelance Botanist and non-fiction author in Frankfurt am Main and Offenbach am Main.

Dr. Buttler collected numerous plants for various herbaria; 32,000 of which are at the Herbarium Senckenbergianum Frankfurt/M. (FR). He was the lead author of the updated "List of Vascular Plants in Germany", which was published in December 2018 in cooperation with the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN). Karl also helped co-author the third and fourth versions of the IUCN Red List of Ferns and Seed Plants in Hesse in 1997 and 2008.

A funeral for Dr. Karl Peter Buttler was held on 11 Jan 2019 and he was buried in the Frankfurt-Bornheim cemetery.


HR 1572 (Botany Bill) reintroduced

The “Botany Bill” (HR 1572) was reintroduced in the US House of Representatives last week. If it becomes law this bill will improve staffing by trained botanists on federal lands, fund research on recovery of T&E and invasive species, and develop policies for the use of native plants in land management activities. Members are encouraged to learn more about this bill at  


Botany 2019 Student Travel Grant Lottery

The ASPT Membership Committee is happy to announce that the popular student travel grant lottery from previous years will be continued this year. The ASPT Council approved awarding 60 travel grants for $300 each to attend Botany 2019 in Tucson, Arizona. Please see the attached application form and instructions.


Botany Technician - Great Basin Institute

The Great Basin Institute is recruiting an AmeriCorps member to assist the BLM Ecologist in Redding, CA with a wide variety of field and office tasks including vegetation surveys and monitoring, vegetation treatments, rangeland/grazing management projects, and post-fire stabilization treatments.


Tenure track faculty/curator - University of Wisconsin-Green Bay

Applicants are sought for a permanent, tenure-track position as Curator of the Gary A. Fewless Herbarium (UWGB) and Assistant Professor of Biology at University of Wisconsin-Green Bay. The deadline to ensure consideration of application is Wednesday, 6 March 2019.


Nominations for BioOne Ambassador Award Needed!

ASPT would like to submit a nomination for the BioOne Ambassador Award, but the timeline is short. If you have someone in mind to nominate or you wish to self-nominate, please provide a 250 word max statement (click for more info) to Mark Fishbein by 5 pm CT on Friday, February 15. The nomination should state why you believe the nominee (who meets the criteria) deserves to be recognized for an influential article that was published in Systematic Botany vol. 43 (2018). 


ASPT Auction Returns in 2019; Society Seeking Donations

The ASPT auction will return at the annual meeting in Tucson! A silent auction will run during the ASPT mixer/banquet, with the live auction held following the banquet. The auction directly supports students through reduced prices for the banquet and to fund student participation in field trips.

The key to the auction’s success is your generosity and donated items so ASPT is calling on you to help.


Plant Ecologist/Botanist (entry-level) - H. T. Harvey & Associates

An immediate opening in the Los Gatos office for a full-time, entry-level plant ecologist to conduct field studies, including plant community mapping, rare plant surveys, and wetland assessments and delineations, and prepare a variety of reports/technical studies, including biological resource reports, and natural resource management plans.
