H. T. Harvey & Associates has an immediate opening in their Los Gatos office for an experienced senior-level plant ecologist and permitting expert.
Obituary: Dr. William Mark Whitten, FLAS
Dr. W. Mark Whitten, Senior Biological Scientist at the University of Florida Herbarium, died April 11, 2019. Mark was an ASPT member for over 25 years.
Botany Intern - Payette National Forest
The Payette National Forest is recruiting one Botany Technician intern May 28, 2019 through November 8, 2019. The incumbent will be primarily working with on Botany Program surveys.
Field Trip Reimbursements for ASPT Student Members!
Student members can apply to have up to $100 of their field trip fees for Botany 2019 reimbursed! Take advantage of this great opportunity to learn more about the botany of the region. To apply, please fill the form at the bottom of the conference web page (http://www.botanyconference.org/field-trips.html).
Bioinformatics Postdoc - New York Botanical Garden
The Bioinformatics Postdoctoral Research Associate will process large genomic sequences in a LINUX command–line environment.
Curatorial Assistant II - Harvard University Herbaria
The Curatorial Assistant II will data base and image plant specimens at the Harvard University Herbaria (HUH) and may also perform some conservation and repair of damaged specimens.
Please use the Harvard Careers website https://sjobs.brassring.com/TGnewUI/Search/Home/Home?partnerid=25240&siteid=5341#home for information and to apply.
Visiting Assistant Professor of Biology - Manchester University
A two-year, full-time faculty position in Plant Ecology. Applicants whose research integrates field and collection-based studies, and that uses molecular techniques to address questions related to systematics or evolution of vascular plants are encouraged to apply. Possibility to continue as tenure-track position after completion of the visiting appointment.
Your Help Needed! Student Travel Campaign
ASPT has a big, but happy, financial problem. We received the largest number of applications ever from students seeking travel grants to attend Botany 2019 and we want to raise additional funds to cover those who will not be able to otherwise receive funds without your help. Society support can mean the world to a student and foster long-term membership; consider making an additional donation to ASPT before 30 April 2019 to help out.
Botany Collection Internship - Museum of Northern Arizona (MNA)
Gain professional museum experience while working in a region surrounded by remarkable landscapes and Native American cultures. https://musnaz.org/about/careers/. Housing and a hourly wage provided between May 1st and September 30th, 2019. Open until filled, review begins April 15, 2019.
Editor-in-Chief of Rhodora
The New England Botanical Club (NEBC) is seeking applications for a professional Editor-in-Chief for the journal Rhodora. Please see rhodora.org for more info.