Botanist for The Great Basin Institute

The Great Basin Institute is working cooperatively with the National Park Service Mojave Desert Network (MOJN) Inventory & Monitoring (I&M) program to recruit a Botanist. The overall objective is to perform Integrated Upland monitoring in Great Basin National Park, NV. Vegetation, soils, and target invasive species will be monitored for status and trends. 

Permalink: https://www.aspt.net/news-blog/2017/2/11/botanist-for-the-great-basin-institute

Seeds of Success Native Seed Collection Technician

The Great Basin Institute, in cooperation with the Bureau of Land Management’s Moab Field Office, is recruiting one individual to join our AmeriCorps Program as Seeds of Success (SOS) Native Seed Collection Technician. The Technician will conduct native seed collection and associated activities (e.g. seed cleaning and storage) in support of the Colorado Plateau Native Plants Program (CPNPP). The overarching goal of the CPNPP is to “improve the quality of, and increase the availability of, native seed commercially available for use in restoration and reclamation in areas of Utah, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona.” 

Permalink: https://www.aspt.net/news-blog/2017/2/11/seeds-of-success-native-seed-collection-technician

Missouri Botanical Garden REU Summer Program

The Missouri Botanical Garden in St. Louis, MO will be offering an NSF-funded Research Experiences for Undergraduates summer program in 2017. Ten students will be chosen to participate in a ten-week program involving full-time work on an independent research project, with the guidance of a staff mentor, in addition to educational seminars, discussion sessions and field trips. 

Permalink: https://www.aspt.net/news-blog/2017/2/6/missouri-botanical-garden-reu-summer-program

NPS Southeast Conservation Corps, Terrestrial Monitoring Intern

Southeast Conservation Corps (SECC), empowers young people to attain compassion, responsibility and grit through community service, hard work and environmental stewardship. SECC is a local, non-profit, AmeriCorps affiliated organization based out of Chattanooga, TN. SECC selects young adults ages 16 – 35 (depending on specific program), to complete conservation work projects on public, private and municipal lands throughout the Southeast. 

Permalink: https://www.aspt.net/news-blog/2017/2/6/nps-southeast-conservation-corps-terrestrial-monitoring-intern

Anne S. Chatham Fellowship in Medicinal Botany

Proposals must be received by January 31

The Garden Club of America’s Anne S. Chatham Fellowship in Medicinal Botany provides at least one grant award of $4,500 annually to support research related to medicinal plants. An important aspect of the award is that it is intended to enable a student to pursue an avenue of research that might otherwise prove closed. Accordingly, the funds may be used to cover direct costs associated with travel, field studies, or laboratory research. However, fellowship funds may not cover indirect costs, overhead, or student stipends and should not be used to pay for lab space or supplies normally provided by universities.


Eligible candidates include students in any field of specialty who are currently enrolled in PhD programs at recognized universities and recent graduates who have received their degrees in the last five years. The fellowship is administered by the Missouri Botanical Garden. Fellowship recipients will be selected by a panel of botanists with expertise in economic botany or ethnobotany, subject to approval by the Garden Club of America Scholarship Committee.

Please submit the following:

  • a brief application letter
  • an abstract of 200 words or less
  • a one- to two-page research proposal, set in 12 pt type, giving the project’s background and purpose and describing activities to be conducted (proposals will be treated as confidential; proposals longer than two pages will be considered ineligible)
  • a one-page budget that explains how funds would be used
  • a current curriculum vitae
  • for graduate students, a letter from a major advisor certifying enrollment in a PhD program
  • copies of permits for field work or studies including animals, research clearances, and permission from governmental agencies for foreign research (if permits are being applied for but have not yet been obtained, please ensure that the proposal explains the situation)

Proposals must be received by January 31.

Mail applications to:

Dr. Wendy Applequist
Missouri Botanical Garden
P.O. Box 299
Saint Louis, MO 63166-0299 USA

Additional information may be obtained by contacting Dr. Applequist at the address above or by email at wendy.applequist@mobot.org

Download details

Permalink: https://www.aspt.net/news-blog/2017/1/9/anne-s-chatham-fellowship-in-medicinal-botany

Tropical Botany course 2017

Below is a course announcement for the Tropical Botany course, an intensive field course in tropical plant systematics, an F.I.U. course that is taught in collaboration with the Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden, Kampong Garden, and Montgomery Botanical Center, in Miami, Florida.  (dates for this summer’s course, May 21-June 18, 2017)

See the course announcement for details

Permalink: https://www.aspt.net/news-blog/2017/1/8/tropical-botany-course-2017

Herbarium Curator, Utah Valley University

Summary of Duties: 

Acts as liaison between the UVU Herbarium and the state, national, and international botanical community; requests plant specimen loans, receives and processes loans, prepares and ships loan requests; and maintains a plant specimen exchange program with other herbaria.

Secures appropriate plant collection permits from Bureau of Land Management, Forest Service, and National Parks and Monuments offices.

Supervises work study students hired to work in the herbarium. Supervises student floristic and systematic research projects.

Teaches courses related to plant identification, systematics, and herbarium management.

Estimates repair costs on equipment, searches, orders, receives and inventories replacement parts, supplies, materials, devices and equipment.

Prepares, maintains, controls, submits and stores appropriate department files, reports, records, lists, summaries, etc., including records of inventory, purchases, supplies, work orders, specimen loans, etc.

Minimum Qualifications: 
Masters degree required from an accredited institution related to the field of study.

Permalink: https://www.aspt.net/news-blog/2017/1/5/herbarium-curator-utah-valley-university

Summer Systematics Institute, California Academy of Sciences

SSI is an 8-week paid research internship at our state-of-the-art research facility and museum in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco. The Summer Systematics Institute and Biological Illustration Internship will be employment opportunities for 8 weeks, from June 19 through August 11, 2017, 40 hours per week.

Participants will conduct research with their chosen advisor on a project relating to the discipline of the advisor and student. Participants also receive instruction while taking part in a museum-based curriculum that includes tours, lectures, and lab exercises on phylogenetic systematics, molecular techniques, biodiversity, evolutionary biology, global change, and other contemporary issues in the natural sciences. One-day field trips highlighting the local natural history include tidepooling and hiking. 

See the website for information on how to apply.

Permalink: https://www.aspt.net/news-blog/2017/1/5/summer-systematics-institute-california-academy-of-sciences

Applications Open for Native Seed Interns at Great Basin Institute

Primary Responsibilities: 

  • Scouting and identifying populations of target native plant species suitable for the program;
  • Monitoring and maintenance of reciprocal transplant study plots; 
  • GPS mapping populations of plants, disturbance areas, and other features;
  • Monitoring the phenology of plant populations to identify optimal seed collection times;
  • Collecting seed from plant populations and completing data forms in accordance with the Seeds of Success (SOS) Technical Protocol;
  • Taking herbarium vouchers, and processing and shipping seed as necessary.
  • Recording data electronically and on paper data forms, entering and editing data related to restoration activities;
  • Participating in restoration projects, including planting native plants, watering plants, repairing fences, removing non-native plants;
  • Assisting with the coordination of volunteer seed collection and restoration events
  • Assisting with the coordination of conservation crew work;
  • Provide support for arid land restoration projects;
  • Reporting accomplishments and providing recommendations for program improvements, priorities, and future projects. 

Related Responsibilities:

  • Participate in trainings provided by BLM and USGS staff and community partners;
  • Meet with Host Site Supervisor on a regular basis;
  • Participate in community service days organized by NCC Program; and
  • Participate in regular AmeriCorps team meetings. 


The interns will be based out of the BLM Southern Nevada District office, which is located in northwest Las Vegas, NV. The Southern Nevada District Office manages more than three million acres of Mojave Desert in Clark and Nye counties. The scenery varies from dramatically colorful geologic landforms and largely unspoiled panoramic vistas of Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area to remote and rugged wild landscapes of Gold Butte Back Country Byway.

Timeline:February 2017 – August 2017

To learn more, and to apply directly through our online portal see: 

Permalink: https://www.aspt.net/news-blog/2016/12/15/native-seed-interns-great-basin-institute

Numerous seasonal and permanent positions at Great Basin Institute

Many positions, essentially ecological in nature, are available through the Great Basin Institute. 

The ecological monitoring program at GBI serves as an excellent professional development opportunity for burgeoning natural resource professionals looking for experience in botanical, soil, and rangeland surveys. This program is a component of our well-established Research Associate Program, which focuses on the conservation of natural resources in the Intermountain West. 

As an element of this program, participants will implement the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) national Assessment, Inventory, and Monitoring (AIM) strategy, which is targeted at collecting standardized inventory and long-term ecological data at multiple scales across western public lands. 

In some locations, participants will also implement the BLM Habitat Assessment Framework (HAF), which is aimed at collecting habitat assessment data on public land with the purpose of informing conservation efforts for sage-grouse habitat. Opportunities in other locations (Boise, ID, Wenatchee, WA) apply AIM sampling to post-wildfire Emergency Stabilization and Rehabilitation (ESR) monitoring. 

In accordance with these strategies and through partnerships with multiple agencies, GBI’s ecological monitoring program is dedicated to providing college graduates and emerging professionals with hands-on survey, inventory, monitoring, and reporting experience in natural resource management.

To find a full list of these openings, please see the "View Current Openings" link at http://crcareers.thegreatbasininstitute.org/careers/.  A brief overview of the program is inserted below.

Permalink: https://www.aspt.net/news-blog/2016/12/15/numerous-seasonal-and-permanent-positions-great-basin-institute